So, here it is…
Welcome to my new little space.
The ideas I have to share and my hopes for this page didn’t randomly pop into my head one night. I’ve thought about it, started it, rethought it, researched it, and then thought about it some more. I’ve started the concept for this page, this idea, way more than once. Then forgotten about it in the midst of life and teaching, then started it again.
These attempts at “being a writer” follow me well back into my childhood where I’m fairly certain there are at least 50 abandon, unfinished stories in old journals and school notebooks. And countless more passages, posts, and writings as I advanced from notebooks to the computer, most likely created on a Microsoft word document on some long lost random zip drive, which was once the most efficient way carry around “the important things.” RIP Zip Drives.
Actually making a concrete move, however, wasn’t until college. My first real attempt at launching a website was during student teaching. So much of my course work was computer heavy, having an online spaced seemed like a logical step towards organizing all the things classroom related. As I sat down to begin the launch of this website, SkatingThroughLiteracy, I decided why not take a look at what I’ve attempted before. Might as well reflect on the past before diving into the future. So, I jumped on Blogger, where I knew I had started this student teaching website. And there it was:
I called it Adventures In the Life of a Student Teacher.
I made 5 posts. The year was 2011.
What surprised me about this discovery was not this blog itself. Or the only 5 attempts at blog entries. But rather the attempts at 3 other blog names that were also under my profile, all ranging in a variety of topics from teaching, to traveling, to cooking. All evidence from my past-self thinking about it and attempting it, but never committing. Never believing enough in myself. Never following through.
Which brings me back to here: my new little space. An adult attempt at beginning what my childhood self never believed I could actually do. I am here to share about my piece of the world through the lens mostly of a reading teacher, but also a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, an ice skating coach, a traveler, and a world citizen. I am to share my things. And here I am to learn from yours.
So, here’s to new beginnings. Thank you for being here at the start.